Onto what to sell now, so when it comes to mods. With the nerf of the weapon now, it seems Catchmoon riven prices dropped. Catchmoon weapon itself is also another example, back in the day the kitgun was so good everyone used it. The price of that riven would mostly go for 10-50 plat. In another hand, an old weapon of some sort like a Bronco, with very good stats on the riven itself, but terrible weapon in general regardless of stats. Guess what, the rivens themselves are worth 3000 plat. An example of this is a new weapon that makes its mark on Warframe, it is so freaking good that rivens are worth putting on. In example how often does DE give it away for free or what updates DE did to make that specific item useless to the point where it is not worth buying at all. When selling items, be sure to note the supply of it. I have a video here that talks about what exactly you can sell.

The trade chat is okay, but how often are you going to be checking the chat? Pretty sure you do not want to spend time sitting there staring at it when you can be farming for plat gain items right? Also note the Warframe Market is frequently being updated so features on the video will change. I mainly use Warframe Market, so the remainder of this guide will be mostly when you are using the Warframe Market. For those that do not know what the Warframe Market is, the next section has a video with a tutorial or guide on how to use the Warframe Market. The Trading Chat and the Warframe Market. When you first start out to trade you got 2 options.

This guide basically talks about how to get platinum fast for beginners or people starting out in Warframe.